The Tim and Rebecca Talley Campus Center

In 2015, Tim and Rebecca Talley began conversations with potential donors, architects, and contractors about renovating our historic campus center at 2406 Broadway. At that time, the building was around 60 years old, had good bones and a good design, but was in much need of an update. 

After 6 years of planning and prayer, fundraising and galvanizing our alumni and church, we dedicated the Tim and Rebecca Talley Campus Center on August 1, 2021. Our facilities have been upgraded in every possible way: our sanctuary is a beautiful place to encounter the Risen Lord; our fellowship area is expanded and ready to meet the needs of even more students; our kitchen is a state of the art commercial kitchen; and our common areas are inviting to students of all stripes. 

Most importantly, these updates reflect the continuing mission of our campus ministry, as is reflected in the dedication to Tim and Rebecca Talley. The Talleys spent 27 years in East Africa planting churches, building community, and training Christian leaders. After that, they came to Lubbock and eventually moved into what we believe is one of the most important missions in the North American context: college students. All of this is captured beautifully in the text of the plaque hanging in our campus center: 

“Tim and Rebecca Talley have spent their lives sharing the Gospel of Christ, both in Lubbock and around the world. In keeping with their example of generosity, this sacred space is dedicated to mentoring, discipling, and blessing university students. We honor the Talleys by welcoming all who enter here.”

Come see it for yourself! Stop by Monday through Thursday between 9:00-4:00, or come to our 75th Reunion celebration July 15-17 to see for yourself!


Lean Back, Push Forward // The (Continued) Mission of Broadway’s Atlas Campus Fellowship.


Why ‘Atlas’? Why change at all? // Answering questions about the name change.