Atlas Campus Apprenticeship

Atlas is dedicated to helping young ministers develop the skills required to be successful in ministry. Apprentices have the opportunity to experience ministry life under the guidance and leadership of seasoned ministers while working on a ministry degree or certificate. We help them learn the necessary skills of outreach and evangelism to the surrounding universities (LCU, Texas Tech, and South Plains College), while also equipping them with the administrative tools needed to lead a successful ministry.
What you will learn in this program:
How to lead Bible studies and discussion groups.
How to teach classes and prepare sermons.
How to lead traditional and contemporary worship services.
The basics of pastoral counseling and spiritual formation.
Church systems theory and administration.
How to plan events in a meaningful and theological way.
The basics of evangelism and mission work, including fundraising.
How to balance life and ministry work.
What is an Apprenticeship?
Current Apprentice
Christine Barham
Christine is Atlas’ senior apprentice! She began in the summer of 2022 and has loved every minute of it. Christine is passionate about welcoming people into Atlas. She loves asking weird questions and brewing coffee for students, with the ultimate goal of using hospitality as a tool to open up people’s hearts to Jesus. She loves hearing students’ thoughts and questions as they grow in their understanding and watching them invite others in because of what Jesus has done. Outside of work, she enjoys playing flute in the Lubbock Civic Orchestra, improving her at-home barista skills, and playing with her fluffy calico cat, Pebbles.
Make a Donation
“Our campus ministry believes that discipleship is God’s primary work. Reproducing other followers of Christ is so important. And reproducing other campus ministers and ministries may be one of the most crucial roles we can play in bringing glory to God. Our apprentice program here at Atlas is our attempt to be proactive in this important task. We need partners to make this work. We would love it if you can partner with us in this worthwhile ministry.”
Tim Talley

We have two types of Apprenticeship Positions:
Atlas Intern-The interns are part-time employees working on an undergraduate degree in ministry. They commit to 25 hours a week and are paid $1000 a month. No fundraising is required for this position.
Atlas Ministry Apprentice- The Apprentices are full-time employees working on a graduate degree in ministry or a certificate in campus ministry. They commit to 40 hours a week and are paid $1000 a month. They also commit to fundraising another $2000 a month for their salary.
Nope! We welcome apprentices from all educational backgrounds. We want to give young people a space to explore their calling to ministry and decide if this is what they want to do with their lives.
Absolutely! Please make check donations out to “Broadway Church of Christ” and write in the Memo line “Atlas Apprenticeship.” You can mail your checks to Broadway Church of Christ 1924 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401.
Yep! Since Broadway is a registered non-profit, you can claim your donation as a tax write off.
100% of your donation goes to support the Atlas Apprenticeship program.
Since our apprentices are full-time students and full-time missionaries, they need around $3500 a month in support.